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How to Prevent Static Electricity in Liquid Oxygen Storage Tanks

admin News 2024-12-16 266 0 Liquid Oxygen Storage Tank

How to Prevent Static Electricity in Liquid Oxygen Storage Tanks

In the context of liquid oxygen storage tanks, the entire system involves both force-bearing and pressure-relief circulation processes during the loading and unloading operations. Over time, these processes can lead to fatigue and eventual failure of the tank—this is known as the aging process of the storage tank. The speed of this aging process is generally influenced by the manufacturing techniques used. Tanks constructed from alkali-free fiberglass with a continuous formation from the inside out offer significant advantages. Unlike traditional methods that involve layering mats and cloth for manual forming, fiberglass-wrapped liquid oxygen storage tanks exhibit superior resistance to aging.

Proper aging treatment of the tank's external surface is equally crucial. Experience has shown that applying a layer of epoxy resin combined with light stabilizers on the surface of the tank provides excellent anti-aging effects. If the integrity of a liquid oxygen tank is compromised, it not only risks contaminating the stored contents but also increases the overall operational costs of the company due to the need for replacement or maintenance. Therefore, adhering to strict operating procedures and maintenance practices is fundamental for the effective operation of storage tank facilities.

To minimize static electricity while using liquid oxygen storage tanks, consider the following:

  1. Control the Flow Rate: The static charge generated by fuel flowing through pipes is proportional to the square of the flow rate. Reducing the flow is an effective means of minimizing static electricity generation.

  2. Avoid Impact Sparking: Static electricity generated by splashing fuel from the top of the tank can be double that produced by bottom-loading through a submerged inlet. If a top-loading method is employed, ensure the inlet pipe is positioned at the bottom of the tank.

  3. Dissipate Static Charge from Personnel: Workers entering hazardous areas should wear anti-static footwear and clothing, or cotton work garments. Additionally, installing static dissipation devices at liquid oxygen storage tank access points can help mitigate risk.

  4. Prevent Static Accumulation: Grounding is a fundamental and essential strategy for preventing static electricity. Metallic components located near each other, such as flanges or connections with insulating materials, should be linked with metal jumpers. Regular maintenance of grounding resistance is crucial to ensure the grounding system remains effective.

By implementing these measures, the risks associated with static electricity in liquid oxygen storage tanks can be substantially reduced.

Liquid Oxygen Storage Tank

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